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STEM Outreach: Advice and Experiences

Katelyn Broderick

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STEM Outreach and DECtech: Ideas to Implement

Instead of beginning with potential ways in which the DECtech program can be improved, I’d first like to highlight the components that...

In Conclusion, Why Should I Care?

While the percentage of women in STEM has increased in some areas, in others the increases continue at an incredibly slow rate or even...

DECtech Wrap Up: Lessons Learned

After DECtech wrapped up for the semester, the Instructors and Teaching Assistants met to offer feedback to improve future lessons. While...

Diversifying the Tech Industry is Imperative

In 2018, only 20% of the students earning Bachelor's Degrees in Computer Science were women (Partovi & Hendrickson, 2020). However, the...

We Need More Women in STEM

While STEM jobs are some of the most lucrative and in demand career options, there continues to be an alarmingly low percentage of women...

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